Sunday, June 22, 2008

Turtle Mountain, Chapter 1.

Yesterday I decided to hike up Turtle Mountain. I've done this hike a few times a number of years ago, but still had problems en route! :)

Things have changed since I was up there last... more cairns or Inukshuks(sp?) or whatever those little piles of stones are called, and more trails that seem to branch out from one another.

As I didn't traverse the ridge of Turtle Mountain, I am going to wait until I do the ENTIRE hike before I give a full hike report.

Just a first post to get things rolling...
:) :) :):)


Jenna said...

hi julie!!! You are gonna give directions to people? LOL

Julie said...

Hahahahahah Go figure!! Can you believe it? It's all part of my sadistic plan to get everyone as hopelessly confused as me! Heh-heh-heh!!!!

runningman said...

LOL, you can run but you can't hide!! I love the picture. :)

Keith said...

It's my blog, and I'll pic if I want to, pic if I want to. You would take pics if you were there too!

Well, so it doesn't scan. It's the thought that counts. Have fun with the new blog!

Julie said...

Love it Keith! LOL!!!